Chuck-jee Chau
PhD (CSE), MA (Music), MSc (CSE), BEng (CE), LRSM (Piano), ATCL (Percussion)
Chuck-jee Chau is an active collaborative pianist and mallet percussionist. Originating from the inspiring experience as a piano accompanist in his primary school, throughout the years he always enjoys the stage together with fellow music lovers.
Chuck-jee plays the piano and percussion in several local orchestras and symphonic bands, and accompanies in choirs. With a passion in chamber music, he was among founding members of the piano duo group Duetissimo, the chamber ensemble The Music Circles, and percussion group The Unstoppable Beats. He is also keen in theatrical productions, for example as the band leader in Urinetown (2017), Bugsy Malone (2018), Annie Jr. (2019), Les Misérables (2021), Cats (2021), and Barnum (2022). He has been a coach, rehearsal pianist or stage percussionist in different years in the HKUST Summer Musical Camp, in productions ranging from Guys and Dolls (2012) to The Music Man (2024). He also played in live bands in local musicals including Our Journal of Springtime (2019) and The Woman in Kenzo (2021).
After his studies in CUHK majoring in Computer Engineering and minoring in Music and German, he taught and conducted research on computer music in HKUST, and served as the pianist for HKUST Staff Choir. He was engaged in student art activities, and took up the role of the Learning Community Fellow for UG Hall VII Arts a-LIVE. He is now a lecturer at CUHK, working on computer music, music information retrieval, and other topics. His research works have been published in the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) and the Journal of Audio Engineering Society (JAES). With his students, he maintains a technical blog for layman learners, Computer Music Research Notes, at https://medium.com/computer-music-research-notes.
除為合唱團伴奏外,周氏現於數個樂團負責鋼琴或敲擊。作為鋼琴重奏 Duetissimo 、合奏小組 The Music Circles 及敲擊小組無間斷打擊樂團的創團成員,他常與團員四出演奏。周氏熱衷劇場音樂,曾以樂隊領班身份演出包括 Urinetown (2017)、Bugsy Malone (2018)、Annie Jr. (2019)、Les Misérables (2021)、Cats (2021)、Barnum (2022) 等音樂劇,並於香港科技大學每年的夏日音樂劇中擔任指導、排練伴奏或演出樂手等崗位,參與了從 Guys and Dolls (2012) 至 The Music Man (2024) 每年的製作。他亦參與一些本地音樂劇現場樂隊,包括《我們的青春日誌》(2019) 及《穿Kenzo的女人》(2021) 等。
他畢業於香港中文大學,主修計算機工程、副修音樂及德文,後在香港科技大學任教並研究電腦音樂,同時為 Arts a-LIVE 學習社群作顧問,推廣學生藝術活動。他現時為香港中文大學講師,教授電腦音樂等科目,研究文章可見於 ICMC 及 JAES 等學術會議及期刊,以及以科普文章形式於「電腦音樂研究筆記」淺談:https://medium.com/computer-music-research-notes。